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No open water swim in NYC would not be possible without a large number of community and non-profit groups.


These are some of the organizations that help us with labor, access to the water and other means of support.

Kayak Community Groups – Any safely held water event in NYC requires kayakers who are able to remain close to swimmers to guide them and to be close in case of emergency. We are lucky to have volunteer support from:


LICC Boathouse

New York City Water Trail Association

Sebago Canoe Club

Yonkers Paddling and Rowing Club

Anyone who has seen one of our races has seen quite a few boats out on the water with us. In addition to our own saftey boats, we get thes support of

U.S. Coast Guard the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary


NYC Parks Department


Taking the lead on monitoring the water quality in the waters of NYC is Riverkeeper, an organization Urban Swim supports with donations and support when we can.

Other organizations that help out in the effort to cleanup and keep clean our waterways are:

Solar One

Lower East Side Ecology Center

Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance

NY Blueway




Other partners include:


Miller’s Launch

Team In Training



Martin Strel