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2021 Liberty to Freedom Swim Results

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The 2021 Liberty to Freedom Swim took place on September 11: the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  The Swim began at 7:25 AM at South Cove, and concluded in super fast times at the Statue of Liberty.

Place Name Age Time Wetsuit
1 Ricardo Valdivia 56 27:50:01
2 Dan Daly 39 29:06:47
3 Eric Bohdan 54 30:01:23
4 Catherine Hartwell 34 31:05:02  Yes
5 Nargus Harounzadeh 37 31:39:00
6 Kristina Han 49 31:43:00 Yes
7 Brian Crouthamel 51 31:48:00 Yes
8 Carlos Lloreda 66 31:57:00
9 Adam Jug 54 32:38:00 Yes
10 Rich Bernstein 75 33:12:00
11 William Han 49 33:27:00 Yes
12 Craig Dacey 43 33:45:00 Yes
13 Kelsey Diven 24 34:14:18
14 Gregory Diven 59 34:52:00
15 Scott McDonald 55 34:55:00*
16 Leonardo Bonanni 43 35:25:00
17 Paul Mason 52 36:36:00
18 Robert Pincus 68 36:47:00
19 Pak Lai 44 38:31:12** Yes

* Estimated time,  ** Repositioned